hi!! i'm nate. somehow you found this. (maybe through me directly linking or my dreamwidth?) congrats lmao you win the prize (which is nothing except getting to know me better) anyway i'm glad that you made it and have decided to start learning a little bit more about mei tried to make this site as comprehensive as possible but i also kinda don't know what people want to know about?? so if you have any other questions or info you think should be added, please contact me thru discord/DMs/wherever else you know me fromit's a pretty safe assumption that this site is just perpetually unfinished because i can never think about what i want to write about on things like thisalso omg i actually updated this like 6 months after making it because someone reminded me it existed on dreamwidth hell yeasite was updated 2024-07-14

ㅤracistㅤ including thinking white people can be oppressed for being white
ㅤanti-lbgtq+ㅤ including people who think bisexuals can only be attracted to two genders
ㅤsexistㅤ including thinking men can be oppressed for being men
ㅤableistㅤ including anti self-dx
ㅤright wingㅤ any kind
ㅤDIDㅤ pro-endogenic, anti-system, thinks DID doesn't exist, is going to get pissed off at me about characteristics that i can't control in alters like gender, race, religion, etc, thinks fictional introjects don't exist or are "cringe" (i don't have any but it shows you don't know anything about DID lmao)
ㅤmiscㅤ body policing/fatphobic, pro contact pedophile or "MAP", uses slurs you can't reclaim, jokes about abuse of any kind, any other asshole behavior
ㅤnameㅤ nate
ㅤageㅤ 33 (millennial) - bday is june 18
ㅤlocationㅤ generic tiny town (dallas metro), texas, US
ㅤpronouns/genderㅤ it/its (primary) and he/him (secondary), agender transmasc
ㅤsexualityㅤ bisexual (all genders)
ㅤrelationshipㅤ married
ㅤraceㅤ white
ㅤreligionㅤ buddhist
ㅤpoliticsㅤ leftist & serious about it
ㅤmtbiㅤ ENFJ
ㅤoccupationㅤ training specialist - ophthalmology research studies
ㅤsystem roleㅤ host/handles depression?
ㅤstrengthsㅤ natural leader, good listener, empathetic, socialization, careful, charismatic
ㅤweaknessesㅤ easily depressed, low energy, slow working, clumsy, intense, uncompromising



some other random stuff about me igi'm Deaf! i wear hearing aids but they don't work super well, so i learned (and am still learning) ASL. i love attending Deaf events and making Deaf friends here in dallasi'm trans! i've known i was trans ever since i hit puberty, but i only fully transitioned IRL in 2018. i got on T in early 2018 & got top surgery in late 2020. i'm pretty happy with where i'm at now. my gender is kind of just a shrug emoji, but i am DFAB & present as masculinei have DID and it's a pretty big part of my life! at least it affects my life a lot. i wrote more about it on the "warnings" page

my relationship

elias!! we met in 2015 and got together romantically in early 2016. we've been living together happily since 2017 :) technically we aren't married yet but we call each other spouses bc we are functionally married. i also took his last name when i got my legal name change. and we bought a house together so i guess you can say we are pretty serioushe is my heart, life, & soul! i love him more than anything in the world. i know it's cheesy, but i don't even have the words to explain how much he means to me. we have been through so many ups & downs and i know we are going to grow old and be grumpy old people together lmaohe proposed to me january 2024, and we are currently planning our wedding :)

my pets

i have a rat terrier (born 2015) whose name is toni, a chiweenie (born 2013) named ava, and a siamase (born 2018)! we also just adopted a new kitty named maru (born 2023)i know it's a millennial stereotype but they are truly my babies and i would do anything for them <3elias also has a cute snake named baba!


ㅤhobbiesㅤ keyboards
ㅤspecial interestㅤ torrents, ASL
ㅤgame idle games
ㅤlearningㅤ ASL
listening izna
these are my (autistic) long-term special interests! these are the things that i tend to hyperfocus on and have been very interested in usually since childhood. i do cycle through random special interests here and there if something catches my eye tho, but these are the ones that i am Stuck With Forever (trust me, i've tried to escape)
ㅤmarine lifeㅤ the ocean and especially octopuses and cephalopods - since i was old enough to know what an octopus was
ㅤidolsㅤ especially hello!project (since 2002) but basically all idols except 48g
ㅤjapanㅤ culture, language, everything (since 2003 or so)
ㅤpinkㅤ pink is a literal lifestyle for me, i don't think anyone has ever been as attached to a color as i am to pink
here are the things that i tend to hyperfocus on! (ADHD style) these are usually things i've been hyperfocused on for years. not as hardcore as special interests for better or worse. in no particular order
ㅤminimalismㅤ especially digital minimalism
ㅤtechnologyㅤ audio hardware and software/production, keyboards/typing, web development
ㅤpiratingㅤ yeah if you want to find something i can probably find it. i'm also big into private trackers and have a seedbox.
digital preservation kind of similar to the above, archiving media is important to me
ㅤjapanese & translationㅤ i am N3 for "generating" (speaking, writing, EN to JP translation), N2 for "consuming" (listening, reading, JP to EN translation)
ㅤaslㅤ so i can actually communicate with other people
regular old hobbies. i usually cycle through these. in no particular order... def not a comprehensive list bc that would be impossible, i have too many hobbies
ㅤvidyaㅤ binding of isaac, simulation games, picross, the walking dead game, horror games, speedrunning, rhythm games, clickers, shitty mobile games
ㅤother gamesㅤ sudoku, crosswords, jigsaw puzzles
ㅤmusicㅤ check out my fave songs playlist on spotify
ㅤarts & craftsㅤ cross-stitching, latchhook, journaling (especially MAMBI), stickers, calligraphy, writing utensils, diamond dot painting, currently learning to crochet
ㅤcreativityㅤ singing, writing, playing bass, making music, drawing, web design
ㅤtechnologyㅤ i'm interested in all other tech along with what's listed under hyperfixations, web development, linux, subtitling/transcription
ㅤcomedy & youtubeㅤ usually commentary YTers like kurtis conner but i also like markiplier
ㅤaestheticsㅤ pink/girly/kawaii, retrowave, guro kawaii
ㅤmiscㅤ coffee, going out to eat, lolita fashion

note: this list is not comprehensive. this is just main fronters. i will add their pages later as they finish them.

me! (host)
it/its & he/him


noah (protector)

anastasia (gatekeeper)


lucian (emotion - anger)

richard (emotions releaser)


seven (organizer)

xenos (observer)
he/his or any


three (reaper)
she/her or any

biyo - okamura minami (kami)


ocha - yonemura kirara

mm - sakurai rio


golden - kago ai

anju - matsumoto wakana


platinum - kusumi koharu

j=j - kudo yume


colorful - iikubo haruna

here's a brief list of mental stuff that i have that may affect my interactions with you
ㅤDIDㅤ all of my alters pretend to be me. if you validate them & bother to ask who is fronting, you can speedrun to bff level
ㅤmemoryㅤ DID comes with amnesia. i often will not remember what you told me unless you tell me multiple times. i'm not trying to be offensive, it just is what it is
ㅤADHDㅤ well medicated & controlled but i may accidentally ignore you or fuck up the flow of conversations or drop projects easily
ㅤdepressionㅤ usually pretty bad. i do my best to stay medicated & am constantly fighting w/it but it will give me low energy & low spoons
ㅤautismㅤ this probably won't affect you much bc i've found ways around it but i do tend to blah blah about random bs
ㅤPSTDㅤ i have childhood trauma related to the following and probably won't be super happy if you decide to talk about it: CSA, physical abuse, emotional abuse, former substance abuse, eating disorders, probably more i'm not remembering
ㅤfamilyㅤ i am no contact with my mother. the only other family i talk to is my brother (my only sibling) & my father
ㅤand more!ㅤ i am 100% forgetting a ton of shit just because i have an awful memory (by design ig with dissociation) so i'll maybe have some other alter come in and fill this in
ㅤsleepㅤ i hardly ever sleep & when i do it's not really productive bc i get night terrors and sleep paralysis from trauma. so i'm probably grumpy most of the time
ㅤhearingㅤ i have severe hearing loss and am Deaf. i wear hearing aids to help
ㅤeating disorderㅤ i have a (mostly latent/gone) restrictive eating disorder. i try not to talk about it but sometimes it ends up happening anyway
ㅤOCDㅤ lots of stupid rituals and obsessive thinking
ㅤmiscㅤ agoraphobia, bipolar type 2
physical fibro/chronic fatigue, sleep apnea
ㅤmentalㅤ dyslexia

just some random memes i like :)